Wow!!! I am seriously on a roll here!!! We'll see how long it lasts (and how long you care to keep reading!)
I love Thankful Thursday because I think it is important to remember all I have to be thankful for in my life. Especially in these times where there is so much despair and negativity!
This Thursday I am thankful for music. Music is my soul. I live for music. I breathe for music. I dance for music. For those who know me, I've always been known as "the dancer" I'm FINE with that! Dance has always been who I am, and to dance, you must have music!!! (Well, I can dance without it, but I really LOVE dancing to a great song)
Right now, my top three songs important or relevant in my life are:
Firework by Katy Perry
Hello World by Lady Antebellum
By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North
They all are very different, but play a HUGE part in my life. Firework is upbeat with a great message that, well, I need to remind myself often. I am a firework, and I am AWESOME! Hello World is beyond words for me. It makes me want to move, breathe, live in a different way. I want to be IN the now. Notice all around me. "Remember why I'm here" By Your Side is an amazing song. It is a song by a Christian group, and every time I hear it, I'm reminded of who is with me. Day or night. Good or bad. Thick or thin. I can count on my Savior to be here with me. I have been listening to my Christian radio station a lot lately, for many reasons. I love the music, less commercials, and it is always uplifting. But, a couple weeks ago, I was going through one of my "down" times and two days in a row, I got in my car and this song was on. I cried both days. He was sending me a message. "Why are you looking everywhere else for these things? I am right here." It was a big lightbulb reminder for me.
So, as you can see, I love music. It is who I am. I know I have always been "the dancer" but, deep down, I have always wanted to be a Singer!! I know, sounds silly, but it's just another way I can pass on my musical message!! Too bad I get terrible stage fright when it comes to singing in crowds! I can dance in front of anyone, but singing is a WHOLE other story!!
As long as I have my music, I'm alright! I think I have a song or playlist for every different part of my life. I live my life through music........
So, I guess I have gone on long enough, and I think you get the point!! Thanks for listening. (or I guess, reading) Until next time!!!
I am fully obsessed with "Hello World".. seriously, one of the GREATEST songs ever!!!