Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mattea Talks....

First, let me start of by saying, I started this post yesterday, but, with two kids, it got put on the back burner. But, I will continue like it was yesterday!

My daughter is hillarious! She cracks me up daily! Here are a few from today.

She is giving me kisses and then, her kiss is getting longer and she starts shaking her head while kissing me. I say, "What are you doing?" She replies, "Like they do on Incredibles!" (apparently there is a romantic kiss....) After laughing, I had to explain to her that that is not how Mommies and their babies kiss. She didn't get it, but....Oh well!

Tonight, we went to Target with my Mom. Now, Gommy (as she is so lovingly called by her herd of grandchildren) gave Mattea ten dollars for Valentines day, and she couldn't wait to spend it. She picked out a calculator from the dollar section, even after I tried to explain she wouldn't really like it. A few minutes later, Mom and I were talking, she was in the cart with her calculator when she says, "Shhh!! I'm texting someone!" Seriously kid?? You're three!!!

Then, a bit later, she was starting to say that she wanted out of the cart at the same time I happened to start singing the song that was stuck in my head. It went a little like this.....

Now, picture me singing in my most AMAZING Jared Neiman voice....Ahem (gotta prepare for this one) "What do you want? What do you want? What do you want from me?"
To which Mattea responded in her even BETTER singing voice, "I want you to get me out and put me on the ground down there!" Mom and I couldn't stop laughing forever!

Okay, so maybe these things were funnier in person, but I'm just sayin, my kid is a crack up!

1 comment:

  1. Haaahaaaa! I liked your live reenactment. Maddy has been trying to give me romantic kisses as well. She doesn't understand why she shouldn't kiss mommy and daddy that way...although she is also pretty sure she is going to marry her daddy. Today she told me she will marry him after I go to heaven. 
