So, our Church is raising money to rebuild an orphanage in Haiti. This past week, Pastor Ted encouraged us to get our kids involved. I hadn't thought of talking to Mattea about it, even though I had donated myself already. So, that night as we were laying down for bed, I started talking to her about how lucky we are to have our house, our family, and our health....(in two year old terms of course!) I told her how there were some children in a place called Haiti that were not so lucky. They had a big earth shake (she has seen Land Before Time) and they lost their home. Some even lost their Mommys and Daddys. I asked her if she wanted to take her piggy bank to Pastor Ted at Church to give to those little kids, and she enthusiastically said yes. Well, we moved on and went to bed.
The next day, she found a penny and went running in her room to get her piggy bank. As she's running she yells, "I found a penny to give to those little kids!!!" My heart melted. She remembered, and she cared. So, this week we have been finding pennies and putting them in her bank.
Today, while we were at Nini and Papas we were telling them how she was going to give the little kids in Haiti her piggy bank. Aunt Lori is in town, so she took Mattea downstairs and they came up with a baggy of change. Then, Nini dropped some change into the bag. Next came Papa and even Cousin Danielle emptied her change into the baggie. Mattea couldn't wait to get home to put it in her bank. After we did, she picked it up and said, "This sure heavy! We really goin to help those kids!!!"
I can't help but thank God for putting these children into my life. I love that at such a young age, she is learning to be giving and caring towards others!! So, Pastor Ted......LOOK OUT! Mattea will be attacking you on Sunday!
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